Our focus is to identify Real Estate Investment opportunities on prime sites in the Maldives, Thailand, and other exotic destinations across Asia.

Join us in global investment

Our focus is to identify Real Estate Investment opportunities on prime sites in the Maldives, Thailand, and other exotic destinations across Asia.

About Us

Lasel Corporation have merged with Dhevanand Co, Ltd, an architecture and master planning firm to form Lasel Real Estate. Our focus is to identify Real Estate Investment opportunities on prime sites in the Maldives, Thailand, and other exotic destinations across Asia


Cras justo dapibus sit facilisis egestas eget quam porta sem males magna mollis.


Cras justo dapibus sit facilisis egestas eget quam porta sem males magna mollis.

Our focus will be on 3 key real estate components

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.

The one male Tower

Lasel RealEstate announces for the first project tokenizing in Maldive and offering NFT solution of over $60M for “The one male Tower”